Friday, February 25, 2005

Dr. Rodney S. Sampson

Atlanta business man and thought leader, Rodney Sampson,
Rodney S. Sampson I



Blogger iamthatiam said...

The failure or success of people, businesses, organizations or nations can be traced to their relationships.

6:37 PM  
Blogger iamthatiam said...

I attended Tavis Smiley's State of the Black Union this past Saturday in Atlanta, GA. There is definitely a lot of work to be done. I am up for the challenge. I must say that I agree with Cornel West, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and George Fraser. African Americans in the country not only need a contract/covenant with America as it relates to our economic, health and educational objectives and initiatives, we more importantly need a covenant amongst ourselves. It's time for us to shift the $700,000,000,000.00 (Seven Hundred Billion) plus dollars we spend as consumers each year and become owners and producers. A great portion of these dollars need to be allocated for education, ownership, and development within our community. Our community already has the resources we need to make a difference. Although African Americans still don't receive equal access to health care, education, and money, we have always and will continue to impact this nation and the world. Just think what will happen happen when we (1) give 10% to ourselves, (2) give 10% to a non-profit or religious organization, (3) and invest another 10% in the marketplace? Let's find out!

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I went to the event and watched it again later on CSPAN so here is my summation in some cases I play devil's advocate in other cases I agree with what was written this is meant to be a critical anaylsis of the event. :

1) People think Min. Farrakhan is the messiah now...but I have heard all that rhetoric already. Sounds good but then what? Another million man March and then afterwards nothing? Been there done that next.....

2) They want free healthcare. Well unfortunately it is not a civil right or an unalienable right to have free healthcare. The government will not do it. So these black medical professional need to put their money where their mouth is and take 1-2% of their profits and put it in a pool or fund for Black Americans who cannot afford healthcare. If they can't do that then it is just rhetoric

3) Finally Negroes have wised up to the pimp games of the Democratic Party. Tavis Smiley sounded like he was through with them and even Al Sharpton the biggest Democratic apologist acknowledged getting played in this last election. About time but the irony these quasi-black leaders have the same disconnect to the people that the democratic party has to its base.

4) So they said they (the social-intellectual black elites) need to construct a contract or covenant with Black America in order to better lead them. They urged accountability, responsibility and trust. But I’m like What!!!!! You all should have already been operating in this paradigm. It goes with out saying a leader should operate under the auspices of these ideals. What is this really about? Is it a continued consolidation of powers by in most cases these self-appointed or Tavis Smiley appointed de facto Black leaders. We the people have not said we wanted these leaders. How can they say they will represent us? Most of these tyrants have played themselves out and sold us out. A few like a Cornell West may be deemed fit to speak for Black America but Rev. Jesse Jackson? How in intellectual arrogance can they decree what should be done? Everyone knows economically and socially little has changed judging by statistics for Black America since 1865. Why do we let these leaders who in most cases have proven to be inept to cause real social change continue to rule. They know their time is up. The people are tired of these high minded Negroes ruling with impunity in black America and this contract is a last ditch effort to remain in power. This sense of entitlement is killing us they feel despite little or no results they should continue to maintain their status as “Black Leaders”. Thus affording them to continue to get corporate subsidies. I mean it is hella funny for Tavis and others to talk like a victim and blame the system for every systematic problem that affects us while he is being sponsored by McDonalds and Kaiser Permanente (agents of the system). This event was shown on CSPAN for crying out loud and sponsored by corporate America. So you got to ask yourself do you want these people speaking for you? I not downing Tavis because he is trying no doubt but we got to be more critical of those who would attempt to power grab and speak for a nation of people. A lot of these folks are going to corporate America on your behalf and then the benefits are ending up in their pockets or within their tightly guarded network. Who put these people in power? Who said they were representing Black America? You mean to tell me in order to be validated as a “Black Leader” you must have succeeded in white corporate and educational systems in order to be deemed a “black leader”? This is not true in all cases but Tavis seems to esteem these types highly. I wish we would stop talking like battered wives and blaming the system for everything. Yes it is all true the pervasion of racism is prevalent in every area of American life. The deal is the system is not going to change any more. So stop crying like 2 year olds hoping the system will hear you. The problem is with us at this point. We have the God given power to fix our own problems at this point. It starts at the top and we need to fix or like Donald Trump say “Your fired” to our so-called Black leadership….holla back.

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A major problem with "Black America" is the title of who are the "people." We are all the people, unified or disenfranchised. The people never have a voice. The idea that America speaks or Black America listens is a pseudonym of media propaganda. Those of us that use the terminology are just as guilty as those who continue to spread the manure. If Cornel West, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and George Fraser choose to be become the voice of any group they can only speak for those that support them or that group. Everybody with a cup on the corner of Corporate Benevolence Drive and US Government Street knows that they speak only for a chosen few.

Stop the noise, about who is leading “Black America” and continue to build a personal network and strategy to extend your voice and raise to the national exposure level that identifies you as a voice with that community. The base nature of our humanity will not allow us overcome our prejudice or naivety concerning racial differences so building anything that does not collectively focus on the identity of Jesus Christ as the personal Savior of the World is fruitless.

Arguments about who is representing whom is null and void without fiscal support and people numbers. Personally, the largest bona-fide group is the Christian Church but who will dare stand up and say that they are the voice of Jesus Christ? Will you?

3:10 PM  
Blogger iamthatiam said...

Church marketing sucks and we plan to do something about it in 2006. Do you want the red pill? or the blue one?

3:18 AM  
Blogger iamthatiam said...

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12:55 PM  
Blogger iamthatiam said...

Let's start a new conversation today. I was very impressed with the website, Why does church marketing suck? Well, it should not. The marketing strategies created by churches and ministries should be executed with the same level of excellence experienced in the corporate markets. This includes creative and graphic design, media buying, public relations, and most importantly, revenue creation. Yes, revenue creation. Most ministries only think of revenue creation in terms of tithes and offerrings. The world of opportunity is so much larger than that. I look forward to your response and your solutions.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:40 AM  
Blogger iamthatiam said...

In response to the recent promize by President Bush to veto Senator Ted Kennedy's "hate crimes" legislation:

The "hate crimes" legislation that is being promoted by our Democratic politicians as an attachment to the Authorized Defence Spending bill is not just for the advancement of the homosexual agenda as stated by most conservatives. I would suggest that Black citizens are placing pressure on these politicians to perpetuate the policy they suggested they would fight for while they were campaigning, particularly with the increase in various levels of racism and hatred that are being perpetuated throughou the US.

Here is the issue. The homosexual citizens in the US are placing the same form of pressure on these politicians. To this end, the issue become complicated. I am sure that in its purest form, President Bush or any of his evangelical supports would support open hate, racism or discrimation by any person or group against another. To think otherwise would be un-Christian. Note: Christianity in the 21st century doesn't have a good brand, but that it is another story.

Over the past few years, there has been an increase of publicized "hate crimes" again blacks and minorities in this country. Note, I state publicized. This includes everything from nooses hanging from trees, unfair criminal and civil indictments from our legal system to predatory lending.

This is my opinion. It is long overdue for the majority of people in this nation to just stand up and declare their dislike or misunderstanding for Blacks, whether it is individually or as a people. The minority communities should focus on becoming economicaly sound, ultimately with the rebuilding of our communities as the outcome.

At the end of the day, decades of policy and legislation have not and will not change the hearts of men. A man or woman has to want to do that. It's not easy. It's like any other potential vice in life. Some people can just sincerely stop "cold turkey". It takes others a life-time and their families longer. Civil rights legislation has only provided a slight amount of hope for those who want to achieve a dream - the American dream - that was not intended for all. The American Dream that was articulated required that one group work and build this country for free (ie. blacks or poor people) and be unequal; and the other group benefit (certain classes of whites, not all, and those with money). So, with all groups striving for equality, it would suggest that no one could realize this dream.

Learned and exposed people understand that equality and inclusion actually increases everyone's chances of achieving their dreams. Success is built on relationships. The more authentic relationships you have, the more opportunties you have for success.

Our churches should be the forum where whites and blacks can come together in open focus groups to tell each other how much we dislike, hate, despise, fear or misunderstand each other. Once this truth is declared in an open and transparent, then the process of healing can take place, if each side wants it. Then, everyone will know where the other side stands.

This is my challenge to the white and black church in America. Let's make it happen!

12:30 PM  

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